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The Profitability Project

Loan funded by Grameen America
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The Profitability Project is a unique loan opportunity for small women-owned businesses. 


A $2,000 maximum loan is available for first-time applicants.  This loan can be used for any legitimate business expense, to help manage cash flow, to hire employees, use a bookkeeper or create videos for a marketing campaign.  It can even be used to obtain coaching and mentoring services from BTB Development Group            .


After the first $2,000 loan has been paid in full, the women-owned business can apply for another loan, with increasing amounts.  The maximum MicroLoan is $10,000, and there is a maximum of two loans per calendar year.


Click on the QR code in the flyer to obtain details about qualifying for the PPM (Project Profitability MicroLoan).  On-time payments will boost your credit score as the payments are reported to the credit bureaus.



The Profitability Project Grant Winners
The Profitability Project started as a grant  opportunity for women-owned businesses.  We received more than 30 applications.  The videos that were submitted as part of the grant application ranged from beauty companies to healthcare companies to party planners, candlemakers and educational companies.  

The videos were humorous, compelling and shared interesting stories about the business owners.

Takeerah Jones of Busy Bees Learning Center was awarded $2,500.  Busy Bees promotes STEM learning programs to children in the Montclair, NJ area.  The grant will be used to buy learning kits for the different STEM activities offered by Busy Bees.  The video was compelling because the learning center includes programs for children with disabilities.

Karrin Pitt of Budo Kin Kai Karate was awarded the $500 grant.  BKK is located in East Orange, NJ.  The video submitted was very well done and showcased the students at various events and competitions.  The grant will be used to offset the cost of team BKK uniforms and offer scholarships to families.
Pink Sugar


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. 



©2019 by Breaking The Barriers Development Group


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