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Diversity & Inclusivity

We believe and stand by our name "Breaking The Barriers". 


Having been in the business mentorship space for more than 10 years, BTB understands that many small business owners are "excluded" from qualifying for larger contracts or opportunities.


Small, Women, Minority, Veteran and LGBT owned firms ARE CAPABLE of successfully completing contracts and projects of various sizes. With the right supportive team, each company can and will obtain results and strengthen our community along with creating employment opportunities.  Our services are designed to support diverse business owners.  The BTB experience will not be a "cookie cutter" approach.  That model does not fit YOUR business.

BTB is NOT a "Good Faith Effort" ...... we actually meet our goals and objectives to make a difference.  We fully support and believe in equality and diversity! 

Public Relations

Savvy PR and digital marketing team who balance positioning and creativity to develop impactful campaigns

Marketing & Branding

The team will plan and execute a complete marketing campaign, including social media content 

Supportive Services

Supportive services is an area where we provide expertise based on needs, such as estimators or project managers

Community Outreach

Inclusive outreach to develop partnerships with local area business owners is our goal

One Stop Shop

BTB can provide professionals such as photographers, videographers, make-up artists and more 


Developing the right marketing strategy for a company includes working within a budget

Business Conference

Small Business Owners

Minority Business Owners

Senior Businesswoman

Woman owned businesses

LGBTQ owned businesses

Manager Portrait

Service Disabled Veteran owners

Disadvantaged Business owners

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